Sales vs. Marketing 🥊 SmAckdOwn

Arvell Craig
1 min readApr 9, 2019

Good sales will put money in your pocket. Good marketing will make selling easier or unnecessary.

Ineffective marketing means you work harder at sales. Ineffective sales means you’re broke.

Great marketing helps prospects to believe in you. Great sales convinces prospects to reconsider their objections.

Sales people are generally right now people.
Marketing people are generally what’s next people.

Marketing can be accelerated by finding underpriced attention.
Sales can be accelerated by… good marketing? :)

Two sides of the same coin.
Two necessities that keep your business alive.

One helps you survive.
One helps you thrive. :)

Create a Great Day!

Arvell Craig is a marketing guy, entrepreneur, speaker, coach, author, etc. @



Arvell Craig

As AI invades every area of society, I'm choosing to positively and proactively learn, leverage, and integrate it for personal and professional growth.